Sunday, April 30, 2006
Take my life and let it be, Consecrated Lord to Thee..
Today's sermon was one of those that really hit home.

Literally,since I'm stuck at home (again).

I'm beginning to suspect that the baby picked up rotovirus...we're in yet another cycle of ups and outs, despite trying to avoid dairy (with the exception of the unfortunate but much delighted-in free cone day at Ben and Jerry's last week).

I've missed more church since the baby was born fourteen months ago than I ever have in my life (synagogue days included!). I'm feeling isolated and spiritually underfed/fellowshipped.

Bless my husband, he would let me go to church and stay home with poor Mr. Miserable, but there's a hitch. ALL he's tolerating is breastmilk.

I really don't mean for this to be a whine-fest. But given the forum, I would cheerfully say that I'm over it :-).

What I do mean to say is this. These are the moments when the rubber of my relationship with Christ hits the proverbial road.

Am I willing to die to self, even if it means there are mass quantities of bodily fluids involved?

Am I willing to offer my body as a living sacrifice...including multiple lactation sessions a day and multiple extra stores of fat that lactation seems to require of my body?

Am I willing choose the eternal perspective that sitting in a lovely home with a clinging (but sweet, warm and loving) toddler is NOT an undeserved death on a cross but rather a short season of my life? That I have not resisted temptation or faced persecution to the point of the shedding of my blood?

I can only say that I pray to prove myself worthy of the tasks set before me and take to heart the sermon presented today.

One wrapped in sweet fever-warmed baby flesh and size 4 Pampers.

  posted at 1:16 PM  

Thursday, April 27, 2006
Having a rough week...

Thirteen Things that annoy HEATHER
1. People who don't signal turns when driving (or people who drive forever with their turn signal on!).
2. Grammatical errors or misspellings on published documents (especially school newsletters or church bulletins) or signs.
3.School "book fairs" that are more twaddle and toys than books worth reading!
4. Dirty socks on bedroom floors.
5. Things stashed in closets and under beds.
6. "Health" foods that aren't really healthy.
7. The fact that my husband gets to go to Europe on business this summer and I don't get to go with him!
8. Dishes that sit in the sink, mere inches from the dishwasher, but are waiting for mom (or the maid, I guess) to load them.
9. Diapers--cloth are cumbersome and icky (plus require lots of water to wash) and an environmentally friendly (and affordable!) disposable hasn't been developed . I feel guilty either way!
10. Feeling guilty about things I don't have control over!
11. Paying almost three dollars a gallon for gas.
12. Jumping through hoops to get my younger ds qualified for state funded early intervention when I AM an occupational therapist and could write up the silly evaluation myself.
13. Acting as a walking, talking Blackberry for my entire family ("Did you call your mom for her birthday, dear?", "Is your homework done/room clean/piano practiced....??").

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

  posted at 9:29 AM  

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Wordless Wednesday
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  posted at 4:55 PM  

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I still owe my s-i-l a tag...
1. We moved a lot when I was growing up (I went to six different schools from the 6th to 12th grade). We've been in our current house so long that I'm actually itching for a move!

2. My religious background is almost as checkered as my moving history...I was named and consecrated in the Reformed Jewish faith, converted to Roman Catholicism when my mom remarried (although I chose not to be confirmed), and was saved in an Assemblies of God Church. We later bounced around some charismatic non-denoms, and have been PCA members for about four years now.

3. I'm a little spiritually ADD...over the years I've done every "I'll never..." that I declared in rebellion to God. As in "I'll never go on an overseas mission", "I'll never sing in front of people", "I'll never teach", and "I could never homeschool"....PTL, He has quite the sense of humor.

4. Out of my thirty-four years on earth, I've spent close to four of them pregnant, and a scary 5 years, 9 months and counting lactating. (sheesh, no wonder I've been feeling like mooing lately....).

5. I'm the first (and only!) girl my husband kissed.

6. My whole family is infatuated with the musical as an art form...and I love that my husband enjoys taking me to the theater. (My bio. dad lives in NY and asked my daughter what she would like to do there when she visited--silly man, he was thinking American Girl Place or the Statue of Liberty. Without missing a beat, she replied "Tickets to see Wicked, please!". Needless to say, three weeks after the show won it's Tony, this was not happening, but you've got to love her moxie!)

**I'm going to pass on the passing of the tag...the people I'd tag have been hit already or wouldn't respond anyway!

  posted at 5:16 PM  

Thursday, April 20, 2006
I just booked a new client!

Thirteen Reasons I love doula jobs:

1. Every birth happens on its own schedule--it's the ultimate reminder of God's sovereignty.
2. It's an honor to be asked to attend any birth.
3. No matter how the baby arrives; its a miracle every time!
4. The look on a new mama's face, especially when she thought she could "never" have an umedicated birth.
5. As exhausting as a job is, the adrenaline rush can last for days.
6. I learn a little more about a new birth setting and/or practitioner.
7. The relief on daddy's face that he doesn't have to come up with new ideas to comfort his laboring partner.
8. Advocating for a couple to facilitate the type of birth that they desire is incredibly empowering--for me and for them!
9. NOTHING smells as amazing as a fresh baby.
10. I love giving my "clients" their "bill"--instead of the local charge of $300, I prefer the "debt of love". (Like I said, it's an honor to attend a birth in my book, not a business!)
11. Each woman has her own style of laboring...and it makes me remember all the other births I have participated in, including those of my own four children.
12. I want to make sure that no family is ever as disillusioned as my husband and I were after our first birthing.
13. It always makes me a little pleased that we're done with biological children and that I'm not the one giving birth!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

  posted at 8:14 PM  

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Wordless Wednesday
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  posted at 4:31 PM  

Saturday, April 15, 2006
Overheard this week....
On NPR's "Talk of the Nation--Science Friday"...

I belong to a generation that has forgotten how to, or doesn't take pleasure in cooking, according to the author of The Omnivore's Dilemma.

Hmmm....Magnolia Bakery (SO worth the ridiculously picky recipe!)cupcakes from scratch, lemon bars (not from a box), hand-chopped salsa (alas, I did buy the tortilla chips), spinach dip from Mom's recipe (again, I cheated on the mayo--but I know how to make my own, so does that count??)...just a few of things all made while savoring the balance of a knife in my hand, the sweet smells of my kitchen and the anticipation of blessing my family and friends during Easter dinner tomorrow.

Should I invite the guy over...or just savor the guilty triumph of us nerdy Martha wannabees throwbacks?

At the grocery store checkout one over from me early this morning...

Woman buying groceries to clerk checking her out: "I just can't get into Easter now that my kids are getting older."

Wow....that one broke my heart. I can't imagine a more important holiday. We really minimize the basket/bunny thing (many years just skipping it--this year it was a good excuse to buy the kids the new Narnia movie on DVD). However, we do decorate (see below!), prepare and rejoice in He who is Risen.

Because if I can't "get into" Easter, then I've missed it.

Have a glorious Resurrection Day.


  posted at 7:26 PM  

Evidence of my Easter Mania...or touches of domestic madness

The cute wreath on sale at Target.

The table runner I sewed this week for my super-long IKEA table.
(I did silly Snoopy Easter placemats, too!)

Aren't you glad I spared you shots of the flag outside and our stacks and stacks of Easter books?!?

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  posted at 7:15 PM  

Friday, April 14, 2006
I tend to have a little problem with anger.

I suppose that I could blame it on the hair, but as I rule, I rarely take the easy road ANYWHERE, even when it would benefit me--thus the overachiever syndrome (well, as much as an overachiever as one can be as a SAHM!). Anger seems to be the exception. It's easy to give in.

I also tend to have really cruddy weeks when my hubby is away. Despite some lovely bright spots (like extra time to sew a new holiday table runner, a darling Easter wreath on sale at Target, flowers to brighten the table, getting to actually go and work out by myself today...)it's been quite a week here. Death in the family, car in the shop (did you know there are no small repair bills when one drives an aging SUV?), stomach viruses galore.

AND I got rear-ended today while driving home.

AND the lady actually accused me of backing up!! (Yes, I always put my car in reverse when I'm attempting to turn onto the freeway access road...sheesh.).

I checked on the kids (dd #1 and the baby were with me) and got out of the car, one finger on the speed dial to the highway patrol, as the woman behind me began her "backing up" queries, along with the "are you going to call and report this" comments.

I was tempted...and more than a bit angry.

However, the damage to our decade old Toyota was fact it blended in with the existing scratches. My kids and I were unscathed (although I think I'll be needing a trip to the chiro and soon).

My mind flashed on today's date...Good Friday. The day Jesus chose the hard road, even though I deserved his wrath, not his mercy.

"We're okay, and my car's old," I told the woman. "If I call the police, you'll get the ticket for rear-ending me. I'm just going to go home now".

The stunned stranger reached out and hugged me, climbed into her now less than pristine aqua Jag, and drove away. (Fast, I may add--she may have been thinking I was going to change my mind!).

As I drove home, despite adrenaline clenched muscles, the hard road seemed just a little easier.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30
May your Good Friday, be very good indeed.

  posted at 5:02 PM  

Thursday, April 13, 2006
Some of my best friends are books...
Thirteen Books I Could Read Again and Again...

1. The Bible

2. Pride and Prejudice

3. Sense and sensibility

4. Emma

5. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

6. The Time traveler's Wife

7. The Little House Series (I've just started re-reading these with my 5 year old!)

8. The Good Earth

9.The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

10. Stepping Heavenward

11. Ender's Game

12. My children's baby books!

13.My family albums

(okay, the last two are cheating, but I still enjoy re-reading them)

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. (leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. Its easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

  posted at 1:20 PM  

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Brazenly Copying a Good Thing (and it's too insane here to blog anyway)...It's Wordless Wednesday!

  posted at 3:30 PM  

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Tag, I'm it!
My s-i-l, Susan , tagged me with this one...of course, thanks to time changes (and life) it's a Tuesday meme...

A Monday Meme!
How did you get the idea for your profile name?
My blog is because I am, was, and hopefully always will be a true red head (with all the prerequisite character flaws).

What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?
"Jackson" from The Essential Johnny Cash. I saw Walk the Line the other week and was curious to see how close the actors got to the real voices.

Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
Jim Henson's death was a sad day at my house...I have a long-standing affection for Kermit the Frog.

What colour underwear are you wearing?
Umm...I'm wearing low-rise jeans, so I'll leave it to the imagination.

Do you want a baby?
No, no, and NO! We're beyond blessed in that department and done. Now I can enjoy the babies of all my doula clients, not to mention future nieces and nephews. Besides that, our youngest is still nursing and in diapers, so we still have a baby IMHO!

What does your dad do for a living?
Glorifying God and enjoying Him forever. He went to be with the Lord over ten years ago.

What does your mum do for a living?
She's an operation room nurse.

What is/are your pet's name(s)?
Tiger the Cat, and Frodo Baggins the Turtle.

What colour are your bed sheets?

What are the last 3 digits of your phone number?

What was the last concert you went to?
Simon and Garfunkle reunion tour.

Who was with you?
My buddy and yoga/Pilates instructor, Irma

What was the last film you watched?
In the theater, Chicken Little (it was $1.50 Tuesday during Spring Break!). On DVD, dh and I watched Proof last night on DVD (Great film, btw!).

What do you dislike most at this moment?
My lack of computer skills. Knowing html would make my life so much easier right now!

What food do you crave right now?
None, I just changed what my southern belle friend, Amy, would call a "shooie". It's enough to put me off my feed for a while.

Did you dream last night?
Not a thing. Exhaustion tends to do that to me.

What was the last TV show you watched?
Grey's Anatomy on Sunday night. It's become a regular date with my hubby.

What is your fav piece of jewelry?
My replacement engagement ring. My husband gave it to me the night I delivered his fourth child, after bringing in dinner from my favorite sushi joint. Every time I look at my left hand, I remember how loved I am.

What is to the left of you?
My youngest son and his firetruck flashlight...he keeps trying to drive it into my CPU.

What was the last thing you ate?
Sugar free chocolate pudding.

Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?
My husband

Who last MSN'd you?
I don't do MSN...I did get an IM from my dh at the office...

Where is your significant other right now?
Slaving away to keep me in the fashion to which I've become accustomed.

Do you have a crush?
Yes, I've had a thing for him since I was introduced to him, almost sixteen years ago.

What is his/her name?
David, aka, my husband and knight in shining armor.

When was the last time you had your hair cut?
Two weeks ago.

Are you on any meds?
Just vitamins right now.

Do you have a mental disease?
I've been told that I'm crazy for a variety of reasons over the years, not limited to, but including getting married at 20, foregoing medical school for starting a family, having four kid on purpose, homeschooling, etc...but I've never been diagnosed with anything official!

What shirt are you wearing?
Aqua twist front v-neck from Banana Republic (hand me over from my sister) layered over a brown tank top.

Are you sexy?
My husband hasn't complained otherwise...

What's your favorite store?

Are you thirsty?
Getting there.

Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
No need to imagine...I plunged in with both feet close to 14 years ago.

Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss?
My sister, Alicia, and her family.

Where do you work?
Occasionally at the local medical school, more often you'll find me here at home, a "kept" woman.

I'll tag Sally and Amy
...maybe we'll get them on the ball with their blogs!

  posted at 6:44 PM  

About Me


I'm a work in progress, a stay at home mom of four, a beloved daughter of the King.

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Amy W
Amy R
Julie D
Arizona Christian Worldview Institute
Every Square Inch Blog
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My Book!!

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I can't believe he's TWELVE.
Wordless Wednesday: Elementary School Talent Show
Things that make you go hmm....
From my Mothers' Day Card
Battle of the Books
Kinda Wordless Wednesday
More Photo Friday--Miss K's Big Day
She got me!
LIVESTRONG Challenge Cancer Video
What would YOU say to Cancer?

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